“Tyrell and the replicants”, from Kjartan Abel’s digital exhibition “Vitreous – This Does Not Exist”.
Tyrell Corporation was a high-tech firm in the movie Blade Runner. Their primary focus was on the creation of androids known as replicants. It was based in Los Angeles and was named after its founder, Eldon Tyrell.
The soundscape I created for”Tyrell and the replicants” was inspired by the soundtrack for the 1982 science-fiction noir masterpiece Blade Runner, composed by the Greek electronic musician Vangelis.
The soundtrack has been acknowledged as a seminal work in the history of electronic music and one of Vangelis’ finest compositions.
The soundscape reflects the film’s grim futurism with an expressive synthesizer-based sound, drawing inspiration from the jazz scores of classic film noir in addition to neoclassical elements and Middle Eastern texture.
The soundscape used in Tyrell and the replicants is NOT licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Music by Kjartan Abel
Police_Siren_Tokyo, by eyecandyuk https://freesound.org/people/eyecandyuk/sounds/34952/
Tokyo – Hiroo street, by manuke https://freesound.org/people/manuke/sounds/315898/
Tokyo – Chanting Crowd, by manuke https://freesound.org/people/manuke/sounds/315903/
Rainy city ambiance, by alindi https://freesound.org/people/alindi/sounds/546861/